The Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs, coordination of economic departments and investments, Fatmir Bitiqi paid a working visit to the company Alkaloid Skopje, where he met with the CEO and Chairman of the Board, Zhivko Mukaetov, who presented the history and development company plans and jointly toured some of the production plants.
Deputy Prime Minister Bytyqi congratulated the jubilee – 85 years of existence of Alkaloid, emphasizing that the success of domestic companies is a success for the whole country. The companies, with their products are representative of the country on the international markets and the greater the range of products and their quality, the more the Republic of Northern Macedonia becomes a recognizable place for good business climate and competitive location for realization of new investments, of domestic and foreign companies. .
“To survive in the domestic and international markets for 85 years is really a success, and that success would not be possible if Alkaloid does not follow the world trends in the pharmaceutical industry and constantly invests in technological development, its employees and the creation of new quality products.” , which increases production volume and revenue. We, as the Government, are happy when we have the opportunity to support the development plans of the companies, we have many mechanisms with which we do that, because we know that it will bring benefits not only for that particular company, but also for its employees, for new employments. , generally for the whole economy. The company Alkaloid has concluded an agreement with the Government through the Law on Financial Support of Investments in 2018, which overlooks a five-year investment cycle and in three years 23 have already been invested. 4 million euros, and as support from the Government, for the measures of the agreement, in these three years, a cumulative 3.58 million euros have been paid. “Any company that invests in the development of production and employees can use the support of the Government through the Law,” said Deputy Prime Minister Bytyqi at a meeting with Alkaloid CEO Zivko Mukaetov.
Од Алкалоид информираа дека се посветени кон постојан раст и развој на компанијата, како на домашниот, така и на меѓународните пазари. Инвестициите во нови производни линии не застанаа ниту во периодот на пандемијата, вложени се над 11 милиони евра во комплетирање на одделението „Пакување на цврсти форми“, со нови линии на површина од 7.000м², со кое ќе се овозможи зголемување на капацитетите за производство за околу 50%, односно од претхдниот капацитет од 2 милијарди таблети и капсули годишно, на повеќе од 3 милијарди парчиња цврсти фармацевтски форми.
In the conversation with Deputy Prime Minister Bytyqi, Mukaetov pointed out that the company currently places its products in over 40 markets, and in 2020 a profit of about 19 million euros was achieved, which is about 15% more than in 2019, and also the number of employees in 2020 has increased by 210 people. Alkaloid continued its development in 2021, where in the first half of the year 58 new jobs have already been realized and there is a double-digit, in percentage, increase in profit compared to the first half of 2020.